Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Something Worth Mentioning...

I'll like to talk a little about the few current programs I'm still actively vested in. Well, actually not many left, just a miserable two programs that I'm still surfing on a daily basis.

Surf20Cent has been around since late last year, I think. Well, I'm not sure of the exact date actually.. and it's not accredited on their website. Anyway, they've been kinda low-profie, but surprisingly, they're still standing proud and strong despite the storms that have hit the auto-surf industry the past few months. What is amazing is that they seem to be a mere bystander to all the hoo-haa. They adopted a wait-and-see attitude when E-Gold, their only payment processor, was having a bit of problems with the FBI. Thank goodness, E-Gold managed to escape unscathed, and thus, business for Surf20Cent carried on as per normal. They didn't introduce EMO as an additional payment processor (which on hindsight is a blessing in disguise) as did 12DP and other auto-surfs and neither were they affected when StormPay decided to play bully.

What they've done during this time was to upgrade to a new server, and gave their website a fresh new look. Of course, they've had their fair share of problems as well.. bandwidth exceeded, cpanel attacks, cheating members, etc.. but payment has been prompt (within 72 hours) so far, and to-date, their Admin has pretty much adopted a pro-active stance and has faithfully sent out emails at least once a week to keep members updated.

Well, I'm not saying Surf20Cent is the best program around, but it has certainly impressed me thus far. Per upgrade unit is only 20 cents with upgrades lasting 50 days with advertising credits, and you only need to have $2.00 in your account to request for cashouts. Where many of their peers have fallen, the very fact that they're still around and working fine.. I would say Surf20Cent deserves a kind mention here. :)

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